The badge: beyond the pricing strategy

Filkers badge module in pricing strategy and how to use it to generate content.
The Filkers badge: beyond pricing strategy
The Filkers badge: beyond pricing strategy

Today we talk about the powerful use of the Filkers badge module in pricing strategy and how to use it to generate content.

Specifically, we are going to see a practical case on how to apply the badge in a special discount campaign.

What is the badge?

To start, let’s see what the badge consists of. The badge is a strategic commercial tool that is used to capture the attention of your audience. It is not just a design element, it is also a marketing tool. In other words, you can apply it to your social media creatives or your email marketing campaigns.

The badge: price and much more

As we have seen, the badge is a module within Filkers templates with great potential. Now, let’s see what the badge can contain:

  • Price: information on the usual price of the product linked to your eCommerce.
  • Discount: when you apply a great discount on the original price of your product linked to your eCommerce.
  • Personalized texts. If you do not link the template to any product in your online store, you can use the text fields of the badge (price and discount) to enter words or short phrases. For example:
    • information about a promotion.
    • a promotional code.
    • a call to action.
    • dates.
    • Schedule.
    • information on shipping costs.

We already know that for many consumers, the price is the decisive element to buy or not. On this occasion, we have prepared an example for you with the concept Mid season , a booming trend for reporting special mid-season clothing discounts. This is a perfect time to connect with Filkers and start promoting your products in your digital ecosystem by implementing the badge in your content.

Here we have taken into account the importance of adding a badge for the Mid Season Sale discount campaign.

How to use the badge by Filkers to promote product discounts

Remember the importance of using the badge on special days with discounts. Let your imagination fly and think of new ideas to take advantage of special discounts such as: flash sales, mid-season offers, summer offers, only for a limited time, etc.

Have you stopped selling? Are your sales going down?

There are thousands of marketing strategies and Filkers offers most of them in a single template. Maybe it’s time to start promoting your products and getting the public’s attention. Also, with your eCommerce connected, Filkers is able to change your templates in REAL TIME.

What does real-time change mean?

When you make changes to your online store, Filkers is able to update your template content on the fly. If, in your e-commerce platform, you modify the price, the discounted price or the% discount, Filkers will automatically make the change in the template.

In conclusion, the Filkers badge is a module focused on the fundamental pricing strategy to promote your products or services. In addition, it has enormous potential to transmit content with other types of information such as a special schedule or a call to action. Take advantage of this powerful and unique feature and start creating unlimited promotions for your products at your own pace. You no longer need to do extra work designing or redoing ad campaigns from scratch every time you make a change.


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